John Murray lived in Porto Bello (his hunting lodge) during the start of the revolution.
They were spies.
Captain John Paul Jones is the man credited for bravely fighting the English Navy during the American Revolution. He is known as the father of the United States Navy today.
John Paul Jones was a sailor for the Navy and was instrumental in naval battles during the American Revolution. The military was his career.
i think the classified ads during the American Revolution was about the famous people like as Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, john Adams etc.. from: hrithik mohammed smart in 7-702 i think the classified ads during the American Revolution was about the famous people like as Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, john Adams etc.. from: hrithik mohammed smart in 7-702
Since there was no America before the revolution there was no presidents; but during the revolution John Hancock was the president of the Continental Congress, which was in charge until the war was over and a new government could be set up.
John Murray, was the fourth Earl of Dunmore and was the British colonial governor of Virginia during the dramatic years preceding the American Revolution. He was born in 1732.
john Murray is my name but there is a boxer and an actor called john Murray john Murray the boxer is the british champion
John Murray of Broughton was born in 1718.
He was a General
Mr. John Murray devised and used the test in 1858. It was first used as he assisted Lord Kelvin during the laying of the first trans-atlantic cable.
John Andre was one of the spies in the American revolution.
John Wilson Murray was born in 1840.
John Gardner Murray was born in 1857.
John Murray - pastoralist - was born in 1837.
John Murray - pastoralist - died in 1917.