Slavic in origin, "sky" generally denotes an East Slavic name and "ski" a West Slavic name.
Hi my surname's Etheridge. As far as I'm aware it is an English surname dating before the Norman conquest. It means on-the-ridge suggesting the first Etheridge's lived on a hill or mountain and the named as been changed over time as those didn't know how to spell changed it to see fit. Any surname with -ridge on the end is probably an alternative to Etheridge Regards
The Irish surname Kennedy comes from the old family name Mac Cennedi - Son of Cennedi. Teddy is short for Edward.
my surname is simic and my granddad came from Yugoslavia - now bosnia hertzegovina, i am told it is a very common name there, eg smith in this country.
The surname Harrison means 'son of Harry'.
surname landman origin
Rebus is a Polish surname.
Tomaszewski is a Polish surname.
The Buttigieg surname comes from Malta.
The surname Dupree is French in origin.
This is an Anglo-Saxon surname.
The surname Kula is Polish in origin.
Doyle is a surname of Irish origin.
The surname Anepohl may be German in origin.
Munster, Ireland is where the Brick surname originates.
The surname Udy comes from Cornwall.
The surname Deatherage comes from Kent, England.