Monaco. This country is located in the French Riviera in Western Europe. The average life expectancy for men is 85.3 years, and women's average life expectancy in Monaco is 89 years. The overall life expectancy of the residents in Monaco is 88.2 years. According to the World Health Organization, women live longer than men on average.
People in Okinawa, Japan are said to live longer than any other people on Earth. People also live to be very old in the country of Andorra.
No. yes we do live.
Most live in Kuwait City Does this help? :-) -Dain
Those people who are living them.
they live in houses there normal people its just their job
The happiest people are hairdressers in Iceland
what is the longest continent
Loma Linda, California
Andorra - Life expectancy is 83 years
he lived in California the longest
Most elephants live for about 70 years, possibly up to 75 or so at the longest.
a black viper snake lives the longest
Jeanne Calment was mostly likely the longest person to live as she lived for 122 years and 164 days.
the longest type of rabbit to live is a rex rabbbit aurora
turtules, most live in the ocean
no but it does live up to 200 years the longest living thing on earth is a type of tree and it can live up to 5,000 years I know amazing right
The longest song on a studio album is In My Time Of Dying from Physical Graffiti but the longest live song is No Quarter from Destroyer.