Planet originally derives fom the greek, being adopted into Latin by the Romans and through their invasion further into Europe came to be used in the 'Romantic' languages, finally becoming commonly used English two centuries after the Norman invasion.
1250-1300; Middle English planete (< Old French planète ) < Late Latin planēta, planētēs (found only in plural planētae ) < Greek ( astéres ) planḗtai literally, wandering (stars)
The word chav may come from the spanish word chaval- meaning 'kid/ lad/ mate'
There is a Latin word Gobernator translating as director or ruler. Governor remembers the Latin form
Bulkanismo is the Filipino word for volcanism. Volcanism is a phenomenon that involves the eruption of molten rock, or magma, onto the surface of the planet.
This is the complete answer. I am a Grammar Fanatic from Harvard and I know that the word capital came all the way from(DDDRRRUUUMMMRRROOOLLL) Neptune!!!!!
alien planet
They come from the planet cybertron.
they come from planet scardox a alien planet
The Transformers come from the planet Cybertron. Cybertron is a fictional planet and the home world of the Autobots and Decepticons in the Transformers universe.
The Welsh word for planet is 'planed' (plural - planedau)
The plural for of the word planet is the word planets.
The name of the chemical element plutonium (Pu) is derived from the name of the dwarf planet Pluto.
Mercury is itself a planet - it did not come from a planet!
No, the word planet is a noun, a word for a thing. The adjective form is planetary.
The Red Planet
The name of the chemical element plutonium is derived from the name of the dwarf planet Pluto. And the name of the planet is derived from the Greek name of the god of the underworld - Pluto.
Most of the various names for this planet are related to the word for "dirt"; "Earth", or "Terra" being the most common.