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Q: Where in general were the states that granted women full sufrage before 1913 located?
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Where were the states that granted women full suffrage located before 1913?


What was womans sufrage?

It can be hard to believe but women didn't have the right to vote until the 1920's when the 19th amendment was passed. Before that protests meant jail or fines.

Where in general were the states located that failed to give women any voting rights before the ratification of the nineteenth amendment?

In Europa

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independence was granted in 1960. self-government was granted to different regions of the country at different times before 1960(it should not be confused for independence)

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The Declaration of Rights of Man was the preamble to the new constitution. Its granted freedom of the press and religion and granted equality of taxation and equality before the law.

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Before my sociology class, I may have taken for granted the impact of social structures on individual behavior, the importance of analyzing societal patterns and inequalities, and the influence of culture on our beliefs and actions.

What did the declaration of the rights of man declare?

The Declaration of Rights of Man was the preamble to the new constitution. Its granted freedom of the press and religion and granted equality of taxation and equality before the law.

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All states must adopt the a form of government and a constitution in accordance to the US constitution before they are granted statehood. A territory will hold a referendum and if the majority votes for statehood, the Congress will be petitioned. If the Congress passes a joint resolution to grant statehood, the president signs it and statehood is granted to the territory.

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No, the waiting period would apply to a person in the military and/or living out of the state where the divorce decree was granted.

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The federal government was granted the right to enforce federal laws, including the collection of protective tariffs. This was a power the federal government had not held before.