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Philedelphia, Pennsylvania.

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Kevin Stringer

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Q: Where was the Continental Congress based?
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What voted to boycott british trade?

Continental Congress

Which Continental Congress signed the Declaration of Independence?

That would be the 2nd Continental Congress!!

What was the congress during the American Revolution?

Second Continental Congress

What is a type of noun is for first continental congress?

The First Continental Congress is a proper noun.

What group formulated a statement explaining the fair relationship between the colonies and Britain?

the First Continental Congress. the First Continental Congress. the First Continental Congress. the First Continental Congress.

Who was the president of second continental congress?

The president of the Second Continental Congress was Peyton Randolph.George Washington

Where was the continental congress?

the second continental congress took place in philadelpia

What was the consequences of the first continental congress?

what was the consequence of the first continental congress

Who was a loyalist in the second continental congress?

There were no loyalists in the 2nd continental congress

What governing body led the colonies during the revolution?

The governing body that led the colonies during the Revolution was the Continental Congress. It met several times to try to fund the Revolution and for several other reason.

Why couldn't Continental Congress pay for war?

In the beginning they had no monetary system and when they created one it was not based on anything.

Where was the Continental Congress convened?

the second continental congress took place in philadelpia