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the Battle of Old North Bridge in Concord, Massachusetts

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

April 18th, 1775

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Q: Where were the first shots of the American Revolutionary war?
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What state were the first shots of the American revolutionary war fired?

The first shots were fired in Lexington, Massachusetts.

Where the first shots American Revolutionary war were fired?

lexington and concord

Where were the first shots of the American Revolutionary War fired?

The Battle of Lexington and Concord.

Which side fired shot of the American revolution?

The British fired the first shots of American Revolutionary War at Lexington, on April 18,1775.

Who fired the first gun in the American Revolution?

The British fired the first shots of American Revolutionary War at Lexington, on April 18,1775.

The first shot at the American revolutionary war was fired at?

The first shots of the American Revolutionary war took place in Lexington, Massachusetts.

The first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired at Bunker Hill true or false?

true NEW RESPONDENT. False. The first shots of the Revolutionary War were fired at Lexington.

What was the first skirmish of the Revolutionary War?

The first skirmishes of the Revolutionary War were at Lexington and Concord. The first shots were fired as the sun was coming up in Lexington.

How did the colonies respond to the intolerable act?

They went to war at Lexington and Concord, two small towns in the "New World." Here is where the first shots of the American Revolutionary War.

What were the first shots in the revolutionary war called?

the first shots fired of this war was in fort Sumter

Was the American Revolutionary War the first war?

yes,it was the first war

What was the date that the American Revolution began?

The Revolutionary War can be traced back to the French Indian War of 1754-1763. Since the Revolutionary War is the culmination of taxes and un-represented legislation in Britain, this is the logical start of the Revolutionary War. The first shots and where the fighting began for the war have a different date and that would be April 19th, 1775.