The president proposes several new bills that are all rejected by Congress - apex
There are several titles for the head of the executive branch of a national government, e.g., prime minister, premier and president.
The president of the United States is Trump and the United States doesn't have prime ministers . Several nations do have prime ministers, but we need the name of the country to tell his/her name.
White House Chief of Staff is probably his most important assistant, but he has several.
There is no reasonable reason to prevent a woman from being president. Several countries have had female presidents, In the United States there have been several female senators and state governors. It seems reasonable that one of them will move up to President at some point.
His first symphony was widely berated and he did not take criticism of the work well. He did not write music for several years after the premiere because he felt he had failed as a musician.
These are several aminoacids.
nervous system
"There are several companies that provide low-cost European breakdown coverage. One of them is Breakdown Direct--some others are Drive Alive, Breakdown Cover Online, Green Flag, RAC, and Gem Motoring Assist."
The breakdown of solids into smaller particles is called "solid-state fragmentation" or "disintegration." This process can occur through several methods such as crushing, grinding, or milling.
There are several British companies that offer fleet breakdown cover. Some companies include Green Flag, AA, RAC, and Breakdown Direct. To find rates, one should check the official websites.
There are several- one of them is polio.
AA offers several different packages for Breakdown coverage. The current lowest price for the most basic breakdown coverage starts at 28 pounds annually. There are also higher priced packages, with additional benefits available for purchase.
There have been several. It depends which country you are referring to.
No. Voting for the president took several months.