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The 17th Amendment, ratified in 1913, changed the method of electing US senators.
The Seventeenth Amendment

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Q: Which amendment changed the manner of selecting senators from the state legislatures to a vote of the people?
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Which amendment changed the manner of selecting senators from the state legislatures to vote of the people?

The 17th Amendment, ratified in 1913, changed the method of electing US senators.The Seventeenth Amendment

The Amendment changed the manner of selecting senators from the state legislatures to a vote of the people.?

The 17th Amendment changed the appointment of senators, taking power away from the state governor and turning it over to the citizens of the state.

What did the amendments change?

The seventeenth amendment changed the way the senators were elected. Initially the senators were elected directly by the people, but after the 17th amendment change, the senators are appointed by the state legislatures.

Amendment 17 of the Constitution changed the?

The 17th Amendment of the Constitution established direct election of United States Senators by popular vote. Prior to this amendment Senators were elected by state legislatures.

Who did the Framers entrust the selection of US senators to?

Senators were chosen by the legislatures of the various states. Article 1 Section 1 Clause 1. This was changed in 1913, by the 17th Amendment, which provided that Senators would be chosen by the people in the same way the Representatives were.

What amendment changed the way senators were originally elected to the senate and what was the changes?

17th amendment, state legislatures used to pick them but now the people do

Did the 17 amendment extend voting or change the electoral process?

The 17th Amendment, ratified in 1913, changed the electoral process by allowing for the direct election of Senators. Prior to this amendment, Senators were chosen by state legislatures. The 17th Amendment extended voting rights by giving citizens the power to directly elect their Senators, instead of indirectly through state legislatures.

The Seventeenth Amendment changed how U.S. Senate positions were filled by?

The 17th amendment changed the way senators were selected. Before the 17th amendment senators were selected by state legislatures, that allowed party bosses too much influence. The 17th amendment allowed voters of each state to directly elect their senators. This amendment gave women the right to vote.

What did the 17th amendment to the US Constitution accomplish?

Before the 17th Amendment, members of the House of Representatives were elected directly by the people, but members of the Senate were elected by the individual states' legislatures. However, the 17th Amendment changed the election of Senators from the state legislatures to the people. As a result, senators are now directly elected by the people.

The direct election of senators was adopted in 1913 under what amendment?

The direct election of senators was adopted in 1913 under the 17th Amendment to the United States Constitution. This amendment changed the way senators were chosen, shifting the responsibility from state legislatures to the people through popular vote.

How did United States Senators get into office before 1913?

In the 1800s, Senators were chosen by the legislatures of the various states. Article 1 Section 1 Clause 1. This was changed in 1913, by the 17th Amendment, which provided that Senators would be chosen by the people in the same way the Representatives were.

How did the seventeenth amendment change the election process?

Prior to the 17th Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1913 a Senator was elected by their home state's house of representatives. The 17th Amendment changed this process making Senators directly electable by the people.