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The Atlantic Ocean was the body of water Europeans were most likely to explore last. They were unsure of what lands, if any, lay to the west.

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Q: Which body of water were europeans most likely to explore last?
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Which body of water were europeans most likely to explore last and why?

Europeans were most likely to explore the Pacific Ocean last due to its vast size and the challenges posed by its multiple island chains, varied climates, and unpredictable weather patterns. Additionally, the lack of established trade routes and the distance from European ports made exploration of the Pacific Ocean more challenging compared to other bodies of water.

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A person who weighs 100 pounds likely has about 50-60% of their body weight as water, so they would likely have 50-60 pounds of water in their body.

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Approximately 60% of the human body is made up of water, so a person who weighs 100 pounds likely has about 60 pounds of water in their body.

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Water in your body? I'm not sure but if you reada book on The body you are most likely to find it.

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the balance of water in her body would be wrong.

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The highest body of water in the Andes, and most likely the world, is Ojos del Salado at 20,960 feet.

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Drink some water. You are most likely dehydrated.

How is the gulf of Mexico used?

It is most likely to be used as a large body of water!)