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The Legislative branch, more so the Senate, confirms or rejects proposed presidential appointments.

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Q: Which branch confirm the appointment of presidential appointments?
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Which branch of government can confirm the appointment of presidential appointments?

It is the Legislative Branch that has the power to confirm the appointment of presidential appointments. They also have the power to declare war.

Which branch can refuse to confirm US Presidential appointments?

The Legislative branch, specifically the Senate

Does the legislative branch approve presidential appointments?

Yes, whenever the President makes an appointment to any form of Government the Legislative Branch (House of Representatives and the Senate) can approve or deny his appointments.

What branch can confirm judicial appointments?

legislative branch

What branch can confirm appointments?


Which branch of the government has the power to approve or disapprove Presidential appointments?

The legislative branch has the power to disapprove and approve presidential appointments?

What person or branch has to confirm judicial appointments?

The legislative branch.

Which branch can refuse to confirm judicial appointments?

The Legislative Branch

Which branch can accept or reject appointments made by the executive branch?

The Upper House of the Legislative Branch (aka US Senate) can reject any high level appointment of the president such as a federal judge, ambassador or cabinet member. (The president is allowed to make certain lower level appointment without approval )

The Senate has the power to confirm presidential appointments to the Supreme Court. This is an example of what principle of US government?

Checks and balances. The Executive branch has power over (checks the power of) the Judiciary branch by way of choosing who to appoint. The Legislative branch has power over (keeps in check) the Judiciary branch by way of choosing whether to confirm the appointments. The Legislative Branch also has power over (keeps in check) the Executive branch because the appointments to the Supreme Court require their approval.

Who can refuse justices' appointments?

The US Senate can refuse to confirm appointments to the Judicial Branch.

Who has to the power to approve presidential appointments and ratify treaties?

The Legislative Branch can ratify treaties; The Senate approves Presidential Appointments