The Drug Enforcement Administration is part of the executive branch. Think of it this way: The legislative branch makes laws, the executive branch enforces laws. Law enforcement entities are considered part of the executive branch of government, meaning that they fall under the direction of the President of the United States, but are subject to judicial branch or legislative branch oversight.
Parliament is the legislative branch and controls the executive branch. The judicial branch is seperate.
The President of the US controls the Executive Branch of the government.
The executive branch (the President, cabinet, and regulatory agencies)
Department of Defense, which is part of the Executive branch
US Department of Justice
The Legislative Branch controls the allocation of funds in the United States.
The legislative branch controls the appropriations of money, they are checking the executive branch(if you know about checks and balances)
The legislative branch creates laws, the executive does not. The legislative also controls the budget of the executive branch.
Legislative branch
Parliament is the legislative branch and controls the executive branch. The judicial branch is seperate.
The legislative branch or the house of representatives to be specific
The Legislative branch.
checks and balances
The Judicial Branch of government is in charge of interpreting the Constitution, reviewing laws, and deciding cases involved in state matters. There is not a branch that specifically controls how court orders are enforced, but the Judicial Branch is involved in the Judiciary, law-making, system.