In the US, the Supreme Court is the highest level of arbitration.
The amendments are approved at the national level usually by congress and proposed to the states.
Criminal cases heard at the Federal District Court level may be "appealed" to one of the Federal Appellate Courts based on an error that the District Court made. The Federal Appellate courts must hear cases appealed from the District Courts (in other words, you are guaranteed at least one appeal), however the Supreme Court is not required to hear cases appealed from the Appellate Court. After an unfavorable ruling at the Appellate Court level, the criminal defendant (or the United States/Prosecution) may seek a writ of certiori in order to appeal to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court will grant or deny the writ of certiori depending on several factors in the case (how notable is this case, is it a good "vehicle," is this an important issue, is it very contentious, is there a circuit split, is the decision patently wrong?). If the Court grants certiori, that means that they will hear it. If it denies the writ, the Appellate Court's judgment is final. Keep in mind that only a very small potion of cases make it to the Supreme Court level (less than one percent), so the cases that the Court decides to hear are always notable.
The Judicial Branch of the government, which is divided as various courts on the state level and as the Supreme Court on the Federal level, decides whether laws are Constitutional or not.
Virginia Supreme Court
Roanoke County Court
In the US, the Supreme Court is the highest level of arbitration.
In US the lowest level of court is District Court.
Judicial branch and sometimes the Legislative branch. main target is the supreme court(judicial branch).
The legal drinking age is decided on state-level, but the National Minimum Drinking Age Act from 1984 sets a legal drinking age of 21. If the state doesen't keep it at 21 they can loose money from the national highway funding.
Age, gender, fitness level, level of physical activity are the main contributors.
Petty Sessions Court
district court
Three:Trial level (primarily US District Courts)Appellate level (US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts)Supreme Court (US Supreme Court)
An appellate court reviews decisions made by lower courts to determine if legal errors were made. They do not retry the case or consider new evidence. The court decides whether the lower court's decision should be affirmed, reversed, or remanded for further proceedings.