Multiparty systems allow for variation in political discourse, and often tries to unite them all in policy decisions, or at least to make decisions with the majority in mind. Multiparty systems do have one leader, but he or she typically gets input from many other people.
multiparty system
Voters have a wider choice of candidates and ideas
someone answer i
Multiparty sytem- Parties form coalitions to govern, Voters have a wide choice of candidates, and there are many major and minor parties, They ARE NOT dictatorships
all of the above
it leads to discrimination
political instability
Ireland has a multiparty system with two coalitions who generally alternate in power;- Fine Gael and Labour Fianna Fail and Progressive Democrats
multiparty system
Mexico currently does not have a multiparty system. In fact, they are having so many problems with corruption, that many places in Mexico do not currently have a police force.
(in the US) All 50 of them.
we have a choice among the people who will be our leader............