The group with the best win-loss record for U.S. Presidential elections is Cabinet Members, with a record of 5-1 (83%).
The second-best record belongs to incumbent Presidents (19-10 or 66%).
#3 is a tie between Governors (9-9-1) and Army Generals (3-3) at 50% each.
He is called the blank-elect where blank is the name of the position to which he has just been elected. Examples: president-elect, congressman-elect, etc.
Harding was a US Senator from Ohio and the Lieutenant Governor of Ohio before he was elected President.
It means the citizens of the country are being represented by an elected official.
Gerald Ford
I count six -- Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Quincy Adams, VanBuren and Buchanan were Secretaries of State before being elected president.
President Ronald Reagan was actually a very successful actor prior to being elected president. He was the 40th president of The United States of America.
He is called the blank-elect where blank is the name of the position to which he has just been elected. Examples: president-elect, congressman-elect, etc.
No, Obama was a Senator before being elected president
John F. Kennedy was a naval officer,author,congressman and senator before being elected as president.
yes i-- Being a governor has no direct relation to being elected president. (It is just one of many past experiences that votes may view favorably when they vote for president.)
the same day you are elected
yes he or she can
Millard Fillmore aquired presidency without being elected
You become a King because of your parentage. You become an elected official by asking others to vote for you.
by being elected
If you are asking what position he held before being elected president, he was elected a state senator in Illinois in 1996, and in 2004, he was elected to the U.S. Senate.