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Any branch can "make laws" but it has to be passed by the other branches. The way the judicial branch "makes" laws is by making a decision on a court case and this decision becomes precedent for other judges to base their decisions off the precedent made by that decision. For instance, not too long ago a girl sued her school system because someone told the school's resource officer that she had drugs. So, with that as the only evidence, all her belongings were searched and she was stripped searched. The court case made it all the way to the supreme court, where it was decided unlawful for there to be search like that with such little evidence. Because of this decision, it is now illegal for a school to do that.

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Q: Which level of government has the power to make laws?
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Which branch of the government has the power to make laws?

Legislative has the power to make laws.

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The power of making laws and then enforcing them is called jurisdiction.

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The power to legislate and make laws.

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Concurrent/Shared Powers has the power to enforce laws.

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Government has the power to make laws that govern the actions of the people in the political system. A democratic government puts this power in the hands of the people.

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The main government of a nation is often called the federal or central government. These structures are designed to make clear the laws of the land.

Which branch of the federal government has the power to make laws?

the legislative branch

Basic power of government?

the basic powers of government is that they have the right to make and enforce laws. they also hold the power to declare war

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The founding fathers separated the power to make, enforce, and interpret laws between different branches of government in order to prevent government becoming tyrannical.

What is the function of the legislative government?

The legislative government is the congress. They make laws. You have the congress(2 Representatives from each state) and the house of reprenstives (based on the states population.)

Which branch of the federal government has the greatest power?

The legislative branch of the government has the most power. The members of it are elected by the people and they make laws that govern the nation.

What is the power of the legislative?

a couple of the powers are the power to make laws and the power to control the money for the national government.