there is no president of texas and their never was. so i dont know where you got "president" from.....
there has never been a female president
No, it was signed by interiim President David Burnet of the Republic of Texas but was never ratiifiied by Mexico and Texas failed to comply with the provisions listed in the document by keeping Santa Anna as a Prisoner of War.
George Washington
Hamilton was never president and never was a serious candidate for president. He was the first secretary of the treasury and did much to establish the US monetary system and put the new nation on a firm financial basis. His face is on the $10 bill.
great Britain
Britain.Large areas of the Soviet Union were never under Nazi control.
Because it isn't a nation. It never has been. This is confusing, I know, but "Palestine" is called that by the people who live there because it is part of the last legitimate name used by a nation that controlled the region to identify it. The UK controlled the Mandatory of Palestine from 1920 to 1948. The region was carved up after WW2 and a nation was made for the Jews and a separate region (not a state) for the Arabic people. UN directive 181 gave the Jews the legitimacy to declare their area, Israel, a sovereign nation. The nonJews of the region never followed suit.
It was never an independent nation
NEVER he will NEVER come to Texas ok you better understand that :(
Never Buy Texas from a Cowboy was created in 1979.
It was called The Republic of Texas. The Battle of San Jacinto was the turning point in the Texas Revolution on April 21, 1836. On May 14 the Treaties of Velasco were signed to conclude the war and recognize the sovereignty of The Republic of Texas from Mexico. While England and France both recognized The Republic of Texas as an independent nation, the Mexican government never recognized the document and battles still continued in parts of Texas until the end of the Mexican-American War - signified by the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo. Texas was an independent nation from 1836 to 1846, when it was annexed to the United States. The Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo also set the boundary between the United States and Mexico.
Thailand has never been colonized by any nation.