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which of the following is not an enumerated powers of the national government

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Q: Which of the following is not an enumerated powers of the national govenme?
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Related questions

What do we call the powers of Congress that are specifically listed in the constitution?

Delegated powers of the National Gov. that are spelled out in the Constitution are called expressed powers, aka "enumerated powers"

What in enumerated powers?

Enumerated powers

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What are the enumerated powers of the constitution?

Enumerated powers are the powers that are specifically stated.

10-What are exclusive powers of the states exclusive powers of the national government enumerated powers and what are concurrent powers?

Exclusive powers are those powers that can be exercised by the National Government alone. Concurrent powers are those powers that both the National Government and state governments can exercise.

What is the difference between enumerated powers and implied powers?

Implied powers are powers that are perceived to be in place. Enumerated powers are powers that are specifically listed. An example of enumerated powers are the powers listed in Article I, Section 8 of the US Constitution.

What is the difference between exclusive concurrent and reserved powers?

* Expressed (Enumerated) Powers are powers specifically granted to the national government. * Reserved Powers are powers that the Constitution does not give to the national government and are kept by the States (As in state government). * Concurrent Powers are powers that both levels of government can exercise, such as murder. Expressed (Enumerated) Powers are powers specifically granted to the national government. Reserved Powers are powers that the Constitution does not give to the national government and are kept by the States (As in state government). Concurrent Powers are powers that both levels of government can exercise, such as murder. -Watson Fitts (16)

Does the senate have enumerated powers?

The Senate does not have enumerated powers. According to Article 1, Section 8 of the US constitution, Congress has enumerated powers.

What did the charter of the UN state?

He argued there are both implied and expressly enumerated powers, and that both types of powers are delegated to the national government.

What Enumerated powers?

Enumerated powers are the powers explicitly granted to congress by the Constitution. powers that are specifically mentioned, or listed, in the Constitution

What are powers that are not enumerated but used to carry out enumerated powers?

Implied powers given by the Necessary and Proper Clause in the Constitution. Although those powers are not specifically mentioned, they can be carried out in order to perform the written, or enumerated, powers.

How is the word enumerated powers used in a sentence?

Enumerated powers belong only to the federal government.