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The divine right theory of the origin of states is an ancient political theory that contends that the power of the state is derived directly from God. It holds that the monarch is invested with the right to rule by God, and is accountable only to God. This theory of political legitimacy is based on the belief that God has established the rulers as his representatives and that they have a divinely sanctioned right to rule.

The divine right theory of the origin of states was popular during the Middle Ages, when monarchs and their advisors believed that kings and queens were appointed by God and held the right to rule by divine sanction. Over the centuries, this theory has been used to justify the authority of kings, queens, and other rulers. It was often used to explain why it was necessary to obey the laws and orders of the ruler, even when those laws and orders were seen as unjust or oppressive.

The divine right theory of the origin of states was also used to explain why certain people were given more authority than others. For example, kings and queens were seen as having a special divine mandate, and their subjects were expected to obey their commands without question. This theory was also used to explain why certain people had higher social and economic status than others, as it was believed that those with higher status had been appointed by God and were held in higher regard by Him.

Although the divine right theory of the origin of states has been largely discredited in modern times, it still has some influence in certain parts of the world. For example, some countries in the Middle East still maintain that a ruler’s authority is derived directly from God, and that subjects must obey the ruler’s laws and orders without question. In some cases, this belief is used to justify the oppressive actions of certain rulers.

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ESHS Government and Citizenship 01 Foundations of American Government

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God gave rulers the right to rule states.

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