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Q: Which of the following should an individual NOT do during an interview?
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Which of the following should an individual NOT do after an interview?

do nice things , how is your day

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You do handshakes at the end of an interview. (you should only handshake if it was good) You do handshakes at the beginning and at the end of an interview regardless of how it went. Always opt for the more formal approach during an interview.

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"When can you start?"

Which of these should never be done during an interview?

Fidget Nervously

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During an interview for a receptionist position, you should talk in a professional and friendly manner. Speak with confidence and talk in a clear voice.

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look at your watch and say you have another interview to attend

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During a job interview

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During an interview with a search committee, you should ask questions about the organization's goals, the team dynamics, the expectations for the role, opportunities for growth, and the selection process timeline.

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give suggestions on how an employer should improve his or her business

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A person should take out their nose ring before a job interview. The best approach is to be conservative, and a nose ring could cause distraction during a job interview.

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fidget nervously