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Hindus and Muslims in the colony of India could not resolve their religious differences.

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Hindus and Muslims in the colony of India could not resolve their religious differences.

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Why was it so difficult for the Framers to reach agreement about how to resolve their conflicts. Is it different today?

The Framers came from different states which caused them to have different opinions.

What are some common causes of revolution in history?

Revolutions are generally caused by bad leaders, bad economy, or by another countries' demonstration of a successful revolution.

What were the American colonies goals during the American Revolution?

The colonies goals revolved around gaining their freedom from England. This was caused by what the British were doing in their control over the colonies. Overall, they were interested in gaining their freedom, and being able to dictate trade, taxation, and law in a way that it would benefit themselves.</

How did Revolutionary war affect the Iroquois?

it caused lroquois to fight each other

Who were independence leaders for Latin America?

The Latin American Wars of Independence were the various revolutions that took place during the late 18th and early 19th centuries and resulted in the creation of a number of independent countries in Latin America. These revolutions followed the American and French Revolutions, which had profound effects on the Spanish, Portuguese and French colonies in the Americas. Haiti, a French slave colony, was the first to follow the United States to independence, during the Haitian Revolution, which lasted from 1791 to 1804. Thwarted in his attempt to rebuild a French empire in North America, Napoleon Bonaparte turned his armies to Europe, invading and occupying many countries, including Spain and Portugal in 1808. The Peninsular War, which resulted from this occupation, caused Spanish Creoles in Spanish America to question their allegiance to the metropole, stoking independence movements that culminated in bloody wars of independence, which lasted almost two decades. At the same time, the Portuguese monarchy relocated to Brazil during Portugal's French occupation. After the royal court returned to Lisbon, the prince regent, Pedro, remained in Brazil and in 1822 successfully declared himself emperor of a newly independent Brazil.

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The European nations divided Africa into colonies based on artificial regions, ignoring the ethnic and tribal divisions that had existed. This caused conflicts between native populations, as well as with their colonial governments.

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Flappers were a form of entertainment. Flappers caused conflicts because they were women who did things that were not "women-like" they were very independent.

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The European nations divided Africa into colonies based on artificial regions, ignoring the ethnic and tribal divisions that had existed. This caused conflicts between native populations, as well as with their colonial governments.

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Almost all political systems in the Middle East have caused conflicts with the exception of liberal democracies (such as those in Israel or Turkey). However, the governments of both of those countries have fought in international conflicts.

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There have been many conflicts in the European countries. For example WW2 and WW1 were all started in Europe. Before that there was the hundred years of war, the Roman wars and the Napoleonic wars. Europe has been a site of many cultures religions which has caused the many conflicts that Europe has had.

Which was major result of the reformation?

It caused Europe to be divided into 'Protestant" and "Catholic" countries along lines that exist to this day; and it caused the Catholic church to re-focus on its values and aims.

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Regional and internal conflicts are often caused by disagreements over the allocation of resources, ideological differences over religion, values and morals.

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it was their language between the american coutries that caused disruption in unity between countries

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water conflicts are currently caused by people poluting the water and using it to dump waste for when it flows into other countries, another reason is people looking to own the rivers and not share with other people

What caused conflicts between the social classes during the 1400s?

the black death