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Q: Which of these established the rights of citizens?
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What established the rights of citizens?

The Bill of Rights.

Which amendment established the rights of citizens?

Several amendments to the US Constitution describe rights of citizens, individually or in groups.

What did The Fourteenth Amendment Constitution established?

Full rights of citizens, regardless of color

What was written to guarantee the basic rights of US citizens?

The Bill of Rights was written to established basic human liberty and rights.

Who establishes the rights of individual American citizens that the government must respect?

The rights of the individual were established the founders of the country. This means the men who wrote the Constitution of the United States.

Does the Bill of Rights help expand voting rights?

No, but the voting rights of U.S. citizens were established and expanded by the 15th, 17th, 19th, 23rd, 24th and 26th Amendments.

Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution established equal protection of civil rights to all citizens?

That was the fourteenth amendment.

How did the bill of rights help the convince people to ratify the constitution?

The Bill of Rights established individual rights that the state and federal governments could not trample on. --- it promised them that the rights of citizens would be protected

How did the bill of rights help convince people to ratify to constitution?

The Bill of Rights established individual rights that the state and federal governments could not trample on. --- it promised them that the rights of citizens would be protected

What are the rights of the citizens in dictatorship?

Citizens have no rights under a Dictatorship.

What are the responsibilities of Colorado?

To protect the rights of the majority as well as defending the rights of the minority. To defend the citizens against invasion, To educate its citizens. To allow ownership of personal property and to respect the inherent rights of ownership. To create a judicial system based upon fairness and established law.

Individual rights of American citizens are contained in what?

The Bill of Rights has the rights of citizens.