which of these featured a two house legislature with the lowerr house based on population
The two house legislature was proposed by the Great Compromise/Connecicut Compromise. The Plan that recommended representation be determined by population was Virginia Plan, because they had a very large population, so a legislature based on population would give Virginia a lot of influence in the new nation.
Connecticut Compromise
House of Representatives.
The Connecticut Compromise made a bicameral legislature, combining ideas from the Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan.
The New Jersey Plan featured a unicameral (single house) legislature. Each state would send a single representative to the legislature.
Connecticut Compromise
Connecticut Compromise
Connecticut Compromise
Connecticut Compromise
Virginia Plan
The Connecticut Compromise proposed a bicameral legislature with two senators per state and a House of Representatives based on population.
The two house legislature was proposed by the Great Compromise/Connecicut Compromise. The Plan that recommended representation be determined by population was Virginia Plan, because they had a very large population, so a legislature based on population would give Virginia a lot of influence in the new nation.
Connecticut compromise
The New Jersey Plan featured a one house legislature in which all states were equal.
Roger Sherman
The Connecticut Compromise proposed a bicameral legislature with two senators per state and a House of Representatives based on population.
The continental congress couldn't decide upon a Senate based on population or an equal Senate with two representatives from each state. A compromise was made and to this day we have a bicameral legislature, the house of representatives ( population based ) and the Senate ( fixed amount of representatives ).