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Q: Which of these is defined by population territory government and sovereignty?
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What term is defined as the idea that all the power of the government lies with the people?

The term is popular sovereignty, but the concept is also defined by other theories that make the rights of the individual the basis for government.

What is a nation-state (apex)?

An independent group of people living in a defined territory with an organized government.

What is the political term for an independent group of people living in a defined territory with an organized government?


The power of the government is defined by the?

the power of the government is defined by the

What is dual sovereignty?

Dual sovereignty is incorrect insofar as one only needs singular sovereignty as venue is not important. Proper issued sovereignty is universal and granted only by an Exchangor/Grantor of the pure trust foundation. Dual sovereignty is a concept in American constitutional that both the State governments and the federal governments are sovereign. The state governments and the federal government each have spheres and can execute powers that the other cannot. The states are sovereign over most domestic issues--whether a will or contract is valid, what a landlord must do in order to evict a tennant, who is married, how old one must be to drive a car, and what the rules governing corporations are. The federal government is sovereign over issues such as trade between the states or foreign countries, foreign relations, etc. This is why, for example, the federal government cannot say that same sex marraige is not legal in Massachusetts, but Massachusetts cannot say that it will in the War in Iraq.

Related questions

What are the constituents element of state?

The key constituents elements of a state include territory, population, government, and sovereignty. Territory refers to a defined geographical area, population refers to the people who live within that territory, government is the system that governs the population within that territory, and sovereignty refers to the state's ultimate authority and independence within its territory.

Is the Vatican a country in and of itself?

Yes, the Vatican is a country. It has: 1.) A defined territory. 2.) A permanent population. 3.) A government. 4.) Sovereignty.

What are the elements of nationhood?

The elements of nationhood typically include a common language, shared cultural heritage, defined territory, government, sovereignty, and a collective identity or sense of belonging among the population.

What defines a country?

A country is defined by its territory, population, government, and sovereignty. It is a geographical area that is recognized as an independent political entity with its own government and borders.

What characteristics do all states share?

All states have defined boundaries, a government that exercises authority over a territory and its population, a permanent population, the ability to enter into relations with other states, and the capacity to engage in international relations.

What characteristics do countries have have in common?

Each one, however, has four specific characteristics that define it as a country. These are 1. clearly defined territory, 2. population, 3. sovereignty, and 4. a government

Why are San Marino and The Vatican considered countries?

Both San Marino and the Vatican have the four elements of a country: 1.) Defined territory 2.) Permanent population 3.) Government 4.) Sovereignty

What make up a country?

A country is typically defined by its territory, population, government, and sovereignty. It usually has defined borders, a permanent population, a system of governance, and the ability to enter into relations with other countries. Additionally, a country often has a shared culture, language, and history that contributes to its identity.

What are the 5 attributes of sovereignty?

The five attributes of sovereignty are territory, population, government, international recognition, and independence. Territory refers to a defined geographical area under a state's control, population refers to the people living within that territory, government refers to the authority and institutions that govern the state, international recognition refers to acknowledgement by other states, and independence refers to the autonomy and freedom from external control.

Sovereignty means that a country has a clearly defined territory?


What is the defining feature of a nationstate?

The defining feature of a nation-state is that it will have a constituent citizenry, a government and defined borders. A constituent citizenry also means a fixed territory in which it claims jurisdiction and sovereignty.

In order to be identified as a country must have what 3 things?

To be identified as a country, an entity must have a defined territory, a permanent population, and a government that has the capacity to enter into relations with other states.