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Public transportation.

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Q: Which of these is not an example of a government social program offered by the states and partially funded by the Federal Government?
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What is a federation government?

a federation government is a form of government where small partially self governing states or regions are brought together by a central federal government. governments who use a federation are: U.S.A Canada Russia Spain Brazil Argentina.

An example of a business stakeholder is the federal government?


What is an example of government corporation?

Am example of a government corporation is: amtrak Post Office Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)

Which southwest Asian country is a good example of a federal system of government?

Probably the best example of a federal government in the Middle East is the government of Iran. Iran is a federal state made up of numerous distinct provinces. There is a lot of legal interplay between the provinces and the government of the whole country.

What is an example of a federal government?


What is an example of the federal government implied power?

coining money

What is an example of an unconstitutional government in today's world?

The federal government taking over and controlling private industry. The government determining salary caps for people not on the federal payroll. A government that will not enforce it's own laws pertaining to border security.

How do you define federalism?

A federal system of government is one that divides the powers of government between the national (federal) government and state and local governments. The Constitution of the United States established the federal system, also known as federalism. Under federalism, each level of government has sovereignty in some areas and shares powers in other areas. For example, both the federal and state governments have the power to tax. Only the federal government can declare war.

What is a federal system of government?

A federal system of government is one that divides the powers of government between the national (federal) government and local (state) governments. The Constitution of the United States established the federal system, also known as federalism. Under federalism, each level of government has sovereignty in some areas and shares powers in other areas. For example: both the federal and state governments have the power to tax. Only the federal government can declare war.

A federal law requiring a lower government to meet an obligation is called a?

When a federal law requires a lower government to meet a particular obligation, this is referred to as a federal mandate. The Americans with Disabilities Act is an example of a federal mandate.

Examples of prohibited powers?

Declaration of war is an example of a prohibited power of states. Only the federal government can declare war against another country. Administering elections is another example; this is a power of states, not the federal government.

What is an example of a government corporation?

Am example of a government corporation is: amtrak Post Office Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)