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Economic equality through communism

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Continue Learning about American Government

Which early political party formed to promote a loose construction of the Constitution and a strong central government?

The Democratic political party was formed to promote a loose construction of the Constitution and a strong central government. The Democratic Party believes the Constitution is only a guideline.

Which army was communists the Mensheviks or the Bolsheviks?

The Bolsheviks were communist and went on to form the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The Mensheviks were socialists with different ideals who split from the Bolsheviks.

The social and political separation of all peoples to the extent that they promote their own ideas and civilization was endorsed by?

Marcus Garvey

Peace bread and land is associated with?

The Bolsheviks. It's a slogan of the early Bolsheviks. This phrase is associated with Vladimir Lenin, the Bolshevik Party and the Russian Revolution, specifically the October Revolution of 1917. The phrase was used before the revolution on posters designed to rally around the Bolsheviks, because it meant ending Russia's participation in World War 1, and end to food shortages and an end to unfair distribution of land among the wealthy.

What factors contributed to the emergence of true popular parties in the US?

The fact that even though the population had the same goals in mind or wanted to achieve the same things, the approach and method in how they wanted to do it was different. In other words, their political philosophies in how to achieve their results were all different.

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Which term is associated with a left-leanding political philosophy?

Socialism is a left-leaning political philosophy that advocates for democratic control of resources and production to promote equality and social welfare.

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How religion influnence citizen opinion and philosophies toward their government and its political processes

What are facts about the Bolsheviks?

Bolsheviks were a revolutionary political party in early 20th century Russia. They opposed the Romanov autocratic rule.

Which political regime took over during the Russian Revolution?

the Bolsheviks

How did organization of russia into republics help the bolsheviks gain and hold political control?

Organization of Russia into republics helped the Bolsheviks gain and hold political control because it led to the October Revolution phase of the Russian Revolution.

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How did organization of russia into republics help Bolsheviks gain political control?


Which Russian political party was defeated by the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution?

The Uzbehkistan Court of Liberty

What is a private organization of citizens who select and promote political candidates?

Political parties are private organizations of citizens that select and promote political candidates.

What are the major legal philosophies that have influenced the American legal system?

There were 3 major legal philosophies that have influenced the American legal system. These philosophies include the philosophy of natural rights, political philosophy, and the philosophy of classic republicanism.

What caused liberalism?

from philosophies and political ideals being thrown around in the enlightenment era.