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Organization of Russia into republics helped the Bolsheviks gain and hold political control because it led to the October Revolution phase of the Russian Revolution.

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Alyson Reynolds

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Organization of Russia into republics helped the Bolsheviks gain and hold political control because it led to the October Revolution phase of the Russian Revolution.

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Q: How did organization of russia into republics help the bolsheviks gain and hold political control?
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French Revolution political party?

It was not a political party, but the Jacobins took control.

Who was Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks?

they were Russian social democrats who wanted a change in government brought about by an industrial revolution. The Party was considered illegal so majority of the members were either in prison or in exile until August 1917 when the Provisional Government requested their help in trying to fight of General Kornilovs troops who were believed to be staging a military coup. After this the Bolshevik popularity grew with membership increasing to 2 million. They staged the 1917 October Revolution where they arrested the Provisional Government and declared themselves in power through the use of the Military Revolutionary Committee.

Why did the Bolsheviks nationalize banks and industries in Russia?

The communist beliefs that the Bolsheviks followed say that banks, industries and the like should belong to all the people and nationalizing them mad ethat happen.The Bolsheviks nationalised banks and industries in Russia in an attempt to prevent international globalism and corporatism take over of their country`s economy. ---- Generally speaking, the Bolsheviks were "Russian Marxists". This is a term they themselves would use. Lenin and Trotsky studied Marx. Their purpose was to establish a dictatorship of the proletariat. Perhaps it was Trotsky better than anyone else who saw the difference between a possible worker revolution in England before the nationalism of peoples took place, and a worker revolution in Russia. If Marx and Engels had been alive to witness the Bolshevik revolution, they could not call it a revolution powered by the workers. The first steps of the Bolsheviks was to begin the process of turning the means of production over to themselves as there was no one else. Whatever their ideals, the purpose was economic control and banks and steel mills as examples had to be centrally controlled by the Bolsheviks. There was no other alternative.

What enabled the Bolsheviks to come to power in 1917?

The most important factors were Bloody Sunday and the Czar's mistreatment of the people Bloody Sunday occurred in 1905, therefore it could not have been one of the most important factors that enabled the Bolsheviks to seize power in October 1917. Bloody Sunday led to the feeling that the Tsar should be overthrown but not that the Bolsheviks should be in power. An important factor that enabled the Bolsheviks to seize power was that they were the one political party that had armed forces at its disposal. This was the Military Revolutionary Committee that had been set up days before the actual revolution. It was under the control of the Petrograd Soviet, which by then was under the Bolsheviks with Leon Trotsky at its head. With this armed force the Bolsheviks were able to seize and hold vital transportation, communication and military installations. This paralyzed the Provisional Government from alerting its own forces to what was happening and preventing it from bringing in troops to fight against the armed Bolsheviks. Another important factor was that the Bolsheviks had so infiltrated the Petrograd garrison that its soldiers were more loyal to the Bolsheviks than to their own commanders. The result was that when the Provisional Government tried to order the garrison out to fight the Bolsheviks, it refused to do so.

What is the difference between an emperor and a leader?

leader is a person who is in control of an organization or group of people, where as an emperor is a man who rules an empire or is the head of the state.

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How did organization of russia into republics help Bolsheviks gain political control?


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The Revolution Of 1917 overthrew the regime of the Russian monarchy. The power vacuum allowed for the Bolsheviks to take power.

How did November 1917 revolution help Bolsheviks gain and hold political control?

The Revolution Of 1917 overthrew the regime of the Russian monarchy. The power vacuum allowed for the Bolsheviks to take power.

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The November Revolution did not secure their power. It put them into power.

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The Bolsheviks under Vladimir Lenin won control of Russia.

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It didn't help the Bolsheviks at all- in point of fact it was the last thing they needed when trying to build a Communist state from the ruins of a tyrannical Tsarist Dictatorship. It only helped them get rid of all remaining Tsarist sympathisers and anti-Communist elements, and to thus secure the Bolshevik grip on power with no effective opposition.

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The Bolsheviks

Control of the new Russia was won by?

The Bolsheviks

How did the November 1917 revolution hold political control?

The October Revolution, so called because it was October in Russia while it was November in the western world, took political control away from the Provisional Government and put it in the hands of the Bolshevik Party. The Bolsheviks had armed force known as the Red Guard at that time, which seized key transportation, communications and military installation and so had a stranglehold on the running of the government. The Bolsheviks had also converted many of the soldiers in Petrograd to their cause so not only were these soldiers unavailable to defend the Provisional Government, but they actually added their force to the takeover of the government. Once the Bolsheviks were in control, they refused to share political power with any of the other socialist revolutionary parties as had been expected. The Bolsheviks' military capability allowed them to hold onto their power to the exclusion of all other political parties.

What is the difference between the position a person holds and their political power in an organization?

Political Power is the ability to control the behavior of others to attain the objectives of the organization. Is the behavior of one political actor and in this case the political actor is the top executive in an organization, the person and the power are inseparable

What were the communist in Russia first called?

They were originally called Bolsheviks (Russian for "One of the Majority.") The were originated in 1903, and gradually became the dominant political party. Organized and led by Lenin, they seize full control of the government in 1917. They became the Russian Communist Party (of Bolsheviks) in March 1918, then the All-Union Communist Party (of Bolsheviks) in December 1925; and finally the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in October 1952.