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None of the four are entitlements. The Right to Vote and Freedom of Speech are guaranteed in the Constitution / Declaration of Independence, People pay into Social Security (hardly making it 'something for nothing'), and enlisting in the military is a selfless act which includes the possibility of death or being wounded in combat - as some 6,500 KIA and 46,000 WIA from Iraq and Afghanistan can attest - and Answers thanks you who 'answered the call' and enlisted!!

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16y ago

B. A and C are Rights, D is a Responsibility. "Entitlements" are something the government gives to those who (supposedly) deserve it. I just took the test and the answer is B. Receiving Social Security

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14y ago

The economic definition of an "entitlement" is a financial obligation, which would only include the social security payment.

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Q: Which one of the following is an example of an entitlement A. The right to vote B. Receiving Social Security C. Freedom of speech D. Serving in the military?
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