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The House of Representatives has the sole power of impeachment.

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All federal civil officers can be impeached and possibly removed except for congressmen. They can have their seats taken away but can not be impeached .

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Q: Which people alone can be removed from office by impeachment?
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What body can try impeachments of the president of the US?

The House of Representatives has sole authority to bring Articles of Impeachment (like a grand jury indictment) against the President and other government officials. If the House votes in favor of impeachment, the case proceeds to trial in the Senate. No one can be removed from office by impeachment (the first step in the process) alone.

Can the president divorce his wife while in office?

Probably. He would have to follow the same process as anyone else to get a divorce. Sometimes it takes considerable time to get a settlement, particular if a lot of money is involved. He might be out of office before the divorce went through. (Divorce alone would not be grounds for impeachment if that is the point of the question.)

What is the function of a senator?

1. Only the Senate may validate and/or approve the signature/rejection of treaties. 2. The Senate is responsible for Impeachment Trials, once a bill of Impeachment is passed by the House. 3. The Senate must also give its consent in order for the country to legally declare war (ie: the House alone can't do it). 4. The Senate must confirm all Cabinet, Supreme Court, and Federal Court appointments, as well as all Ambassadorships. Andrew Johnson's placement of a cabinet-member who had been rejected by the Senate, at the time, was the direct cause of his own impeachment.

What does He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone for the tenure of their offices and the amount and payment of their salaries mean?

It means he has put pressure on the Judges to do his will only, or he will cut their salary and the amount of time they serve in office

What bad thing did Charles Cotesworth Pinckney?

he was so intresting in it and he left people alone andb abandon

Related questions

What is a charge of wrong doing filed against presidents?

Impeachment. Only the House of Representatives can impeach the president, and the impeachment is just the bringing of charges against the president. The Senate and the Senate alone then decides whether or not the president is guilty. Clinton was impeached, but was not found guilty by the Senate.

What body can try impeachments of the president of the US?

The House of Representatives has sole authority to bring Articles of Impeachment (like a grand jury indictment) against the President and other government officials. If the House votes in favor of impeachment, the case proceeds to trial in the Senate. No one can be removed from office by impeachment (the first step in the process) alone.

What is the average size of a home office?

The average size of a home office is 10 feet by 10 feet. Most people do not need much space since they are working alone.

What is the definition of impeachment and is it the Founding Fathers cure for keeping the executive branch from becoming a dictatorship during war or preconceived notion of a national threat?

Understand this first: when someone commits a felony, before that person can be brought to trial, an indictment must be obtained by the prosecuting attorney. This means that the prosecutor must present his or her evidence to a grand jury; the grand jury will decide whether or not there is sufficient evidence to warrant an indictment.An impeachment, in a sense, is just like an indictment. In fact, an impeachment is the bringing of charges against an elected or public official by the House of Representatives. Therefore, the House chamber of Congress acts as a grand jury in this situation and the impeachment is just like an indictment.Many people think that impeachment is the arrest, conviction, or overthrowing of an official's office. This is untrue. In fact, two-thirds of the House must vote for the impeachment in order for it to take affect. Moreover, if the impeachment makes it, the official to whom charges are brought against still has the right to a trial. The impeachment alone means nothing. After obtaining an impeachment, The Senate chamber of Congress has to try the official.The prime example of this is the case of former President Bill Clinton. Clinton was impeached, but he was never convicted during the trial phase. In fact, there have been two Presidents impeached (i.e. Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton), butnone have been convicted. Many people think that Richard Nixon was impeached; this is untrue. Nixon resigned before the impeachment was carried out.To answer the second part of your question, adding a clause concearning impeachment to the U.S. Constitution was the framers' way of saying, "No persons, elected officials included, are above the law." It is just that and nothing more.

How many Teenage Mayors (13 to 17 years of age) are there in the US?

None. People that age are not eligible to vote let alone run for office. It takes education, experience, backing, and money to run for office.

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What does the phrase to try off impeachments mean?

It means that the official to whom the impeachment applies has the right to a trial. The impeachment alone means nothing; it is only the first part of a two-part phase. In fact, impeachment is merely only the bringing of charges against a public official. Look at it as though that any citizen after being arrested for a crime still has to be tried for that offense in order to establish guilt or innocence.

On what basis can a President be impeached?

According to the Constitution, the President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States can be impeached and removed only for treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. Since the language is so broad, you could use many offenses to logically impeach elected officials. The term "impeach" does not in and of itself mean to remove someone from office. Impeach means to bring impeachment proceedings against them. For example, two presidents have been impeached: Andrew Johnson in 1868 for violating the Tenure of Office Act; and Bill Clinton in 1998 for lying to a Grand Jury (perjury). Both presidents were acquitted of the charges, and neither were removed from office. Contrary to popular belief, Richard Nixon was never impeached. He resigned the office of president before the House could impeach him. "The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States" who may be impeached and removed only for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors".[14] Several commentators have suggested that Congress alone may decide for itself what constitutes a "high crime or misdemeanor",

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Isolate meansbeing alone, an individual socially withdrawn or removed from society.

How can i convince my girlfriend to get her tattoo removed?

why would you want to it's her tattoo leave it alone

Can the president divorce his wife while in office?

Probably. He would have to follow the same process as anyone else to get a divorce. Sometimes it takes considerable time to get a settlement, particular if a lot of money is involved. He might be out of office before the divorce went through. (Divorce alone would not be grounds for impeachment if that is the point of the question.)

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