As of June 2014, no United States President has been named Sebastian. The first president was named George. The current president is named Barack.
Dan Quayle was a senator from Indiana who became vice president
President James Garfield had a dog named veto.
Dan Quayle was the Vice President under President George Bush from 1989-1993
Monrovia was named for US President, James Monroe ,who was in office when Liberia was created.
Dan Who? There are a lot of people named Dan. Does the Dan you are referring to have a last name?
Yes, Dan Gun is named after the holy Dan Gun the legendary founder of Korea in the year 2334B.C
Dan Quayle was the Vice President under President George Bush (1989-1993)
Dan Quayle is the Vice President of the united states.
"The Kid Who Ran for President" by Dan Gutman has 160 pages.
Yes, Dan has a sister named Sarah. He has no brothers.
1983-, president
Dan Quayle was vice president in 1990
The president who had dogs named Him and Her was President Lyndon Johnson.
Dan Castellaneta
I would like to see Dan Quayle run for President in 2012. Mike Huckabee or Bobby Jindal as his Vice President.
George H.W. Bush and Dan Quayle.