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Q: Which president had a goat named old whiskers?
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Who is Old Whiskers?

President Benjamin Harrison's son Russell Harrison had a pet goat named Old Whiskers.

Who old whisker?

President Benjamin Harrison's son Russell Harrison had a pet goat named Old Whiskers.

Which US President's family had a pet goat Old Whiskers in the White House?


What were Benjamin Harrison's pets names?

President Benjamin Harrison had a collie named Dash, an opossum named Mr. Reciprocity and an opossum named Mr. Protection. Also, he, his son Russell, and/or his grandchildren had a goat named either His Whiskers or Old Whiskers.

Which president 's son owned a goat?

Benjamin Harrison's son owned a goat called Old Whiskers. Benjamin Harrison served as the 23rd President of the United States.

What king of animal is old whiskers?

A goat

What is Benjamin Harrison's goat's name?

Old Whiskers

What was Benjamin Harrison's favorite animal?

Harrison had a collie named Dash and another dog named Jack. He had a goat named Old Whiskers who was trained to pull a cart for his grandchildren. They had a harness for him, but he could not be trusted to obey commands at all times. He also had two opossums named Mr. Reciprocity and Mr. Protection.

What is old whiskers?

"Old whiskers" is a colloquial term used to refer to a long, gray beard typically seen on older individuals. It is a humorous or affectionate way to describe facial hair that is long and gray, resembling a whisker or bristle.

What presidents did not have pets?

President Benjamin Harrison's son Russell Harrison had a pet goat named Old Whiskers. This goat was so ornery that one day the President was forced to chase him down Pennsylvania Avenue when he decided to run away with the Harrison grandchildren.

What happened to Benjamin Harrison that was interesting?

Harrison had three grandchildren who moved into the White House along with their parents. He was very fond of them and got them a pet goat, named Old Whiskers. He also provided a cart and harness so that the goat could pull the cart around the yard. However, one day. the goat bolted and ran away with the cart and the children in it and people were startled to see the President running down Pennsylvania Avenue, chasing a goat cart and holding his hat and cane. Another story- Harrison liked to slip out of the White House in secret and go on hunting trips, However, one of trips got more publicity that he wanted after he shot a farmer's pig by mistake.

What president nick named is old hickory?

Andrew Jackson