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Q: Which state gets the most lightning?
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How are the electoral votes in a astate distributed once the people cast their popular vote?

In Nebraska and Maine, whoever gets the most popular votes in each congressional district gets one vote. The other two votes per state go to whoever gets the most popular votes in the whole state. In each of the other 48 states and in D.C., whoever gets the most popular votes gets 100% of the electoral votes.

How does MN determine how many electoral votes each candidate will get?

Like most states, Illinois is a "winner-take-all" state. Whichever ticket (presidential candidate and his/her running mate) receives a simple majority of the popular votes within the state gets all 20 of Illinois' electoral votes.

Does the electoral college have the last word on who gets to be the next president of the US of America?

Yes. According to the population of a state, that state gets a number of votes. The votes are never splited so whoever candidate got majority in a state gets all the votes from that state. The electoral college is supposed to vote based on that.

What is an example of majority rule?

One example of majority rule is the democratic voting system. The candidate with the most votes gets the delegates in the state and wins the election.

How does a candidate win electoral votes?

The candidate who gets the most popular votes wins that state's electoral votes in every state but Maine and Nebraska. In these states, the winner of each congressional district in the state gets one vote and the other two go to the overall winner. Winning the popular vote is a matter of convincing the voters in that state that you will do more them than will your opponent to deal with the matters that concern them. A position that wins votes in one state may lose votes in another, so campaign strategists try to figure out what positions will produce the most electoral votes.

Related questions

What state gets struct by the most lightning?


What continent gets the most lightning?


What is the state with the most lightning strikes?

Florida has the highest rate of lightning strikes.

Which state has most lightning strikes?


What continent gets the most lightning strikes?

Africa gets the most lightning strikes.

What state had the most lightning bolts?

The state with the most wonder bolts is Tampa, Florida.

Can lightning hit the same spot more than once?

Yes, take the Empire State Building, it gets hit by lightning hundreds of times a year.

What happens if another god gets Zeus' lightning bolt?

They most likely will go to war.

Where in the world is the most common place for lightning?

The most common place for lightning strikes to occur is Florida. It's warm moist air is perfect for producing thunderclouds, which gets a ting of electricity and creates the lightning bolt, lasting only for a fracture of a second.

What state is known to have the most tornadoes?

Texas gets the most tornadoes of any state.

How does lightning and thunder occur?

Lightning occurs from thunderclouds, so the air needs to be warm and moist to produce the thundercloud, which will get a ting of electricity that will cause the strike to reach the ground, only lasting for a fraction of a second. Lightning tends to hit hits the high things. That's why you are always hearing about like the statue of liberty got struck by lightning, or the Empire State Building.

Why does lightning strike so much in tangerine county Florida?

The Tangerine County of Florida gets hit by so much lightning because the state is a peninsula completely surrounded by warm tropical water. Evaporation in the unstable air of the tropics creates thunderstorms, and these create lightning.