It can be better prevent political leaders from serving their own interests - Apex
It can make decision making more efficient.
A direct democracy
A democracy can come in two forms - direct and indirect - while a republic is always indirect - Apex
A government by popular consent or indirect democracy is a representative democracy in which a small group of people are chosen by election to represent a larger group that elects them.
The Mayflower compact would be a better example of Direct Democracy then Indirect Democracy. This is because the agreement was ment so that the British Gov could not easily control them as everyone would have a say in it and decide wether it was wise to let the Britsh Gov interfere. An Indirect demo would be where citizens would tell their elected official their opinions and he would report to the king. Our US gov is a good example of Indirect democracy though it also shares a few beliefs with Direct Democracy.
A direct democracy
A democracy can come in two forms - direct and indirect - while a republic is always indirect - Apex
Assume a statement true and then show it must be false
Indirect Democracy Indirect Democracy is a political process in which the PEOPLE control the government through elected political officials.
Direct Democracy: People represent themselves. Indirect Democracy: People elect representatives to represent them. :)
In an indirect democracy, people elect representatives to act on their behalf.
An indirect democracy has elected representatives that are chosen by the people. It is also known as a republic or representative democracy.
Another name for indirect democracy is representative/republican democracy. Indirect democracy uses representatives such as delegates, congressmen, and parliamentary ministers to convey and execute the will of the people.
A republic is indirect democracy as representatives are intended to carry out the will of the people. This system is also called a republican democracy.
direct democracy is when each person rules and indirect is when people vote for people who rule.
heather was here!
In an indirect democracy, eligible citizens vote for representatives who vote for decisions on their behalf.