Chester Arthur
Hayes was the out-going president, James Garfield was the elected president in the election of 1880 - he was assassinated in 1881 and Chester Arthur was Garfield's Vice-President who became president upon the former's death.
Martin Van Buren (1782-1862) served until March 4, 1841.
William Henry Harrison (1773-1841) served from March 4, 1841 until he died on April 4, 1841.
John Tyler (1790-1862) served for the rest of the year and on until March 4, 1845.
William Henry Harrison ( Mar 4 to April 4) (Harrison died on April 4, 1841)
John Tyler (April 4 to Dec. 31)
The 4th President of the United States was James Madison from March 4, 1809 to March 4, 1817. There was only one President during the Year 1814.
Andrew Johnson and Ulysses Grant served during the Reconstruction period.
Up to and including Barack Obama, 43 men have been President of the United States. The reason Obama is referred to as the 44th President is that Grover Cleveland is referred to as the 22nd and 24th President because his two terms were non-consecutive.
Through Joseph Biden (January 20, 2009), there have been 47 men who served as Vice President of the US, all but two of them elected to the position. The first 3 Vice Presidents were actually "runners-up" for President, until the 12th Amendment was ratified in 1804.Two Vice Presidents, George Clinton and John C. Calhoun, served under 2 presidents, but several Presidents had more than 1 Vice President. Four Vice Presidents who succeeded to the office had no Vice President of their own (Tyler, Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, and Arthur).Both Gerald Ford and Nelson Rockfeller were appointed under the terms of the 25th Amendment.
John F. Kennedy's Attorney General was his little brother, Robert F. Kennedy.
George Washington
Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk, and Andrew Johnson.
king aasif zardaari is the president in pakistan
Bill Clinton
Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk, and Andrew Johnson, though none of them were actually born in Tennessee.
43 men have served as president, though only 2 have had their sons serve as president. John Adams served as president from 1797 to 1801, followed some time after by his son John Quincy Adams who served from 1825 to 1829. Much later George H.W. Bush served as president from 1989 to 1993, then his son, George W. Bush served as president from 2001 to 2009.
There were 42 men who served as president of the United States, prior to Obama, NOT 43 as some people believe. Remenber Grover Cleveland was counted twice as the 22nd and 24th president. So, in conclusion, Obama is the 43rd man to serve as president of the United STATES ---- NOT the 44th.
There have been two men who served as vice president under two different presidents, George Clinton and John Calhoun.
Andrew Johnson and Ulysses Grant served during the Reconstruction period.
Both men in your question were presidents, so no president served "under them". Please rewrite your question to state what you want to know.
Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford