Many Presidents favored a strong fiscal policy. Andrew Jackson was the only one who paid back the national debt. Bill Clinton was the last one to serve for a year in which the debt did not increase.
nullification .
They are supported by the electorate and the Congress.
A strong government legalisms favored
The Federalists were those people who supported the new Constitution of the United States. They believed in a strong national government with powers over the states. They did not support the states' rights beliefs of the followers of Thomas Jefferson. They favored protective tariffs to enable American industry to develop, favored collection of taxes from the states and favored a strong military to protect the nation. You can find more information about the Federalists at the related link below.
The government will assume an expansionary fiscal policy position.
The federalist wanted a strong nationalistic US with a sound fiscal policy. They called for a national bank, tariffs, and increased relations with the British crown.
nullification .
They are supported by the electorate and the Congress.
They favored strong state governments.
the government will spend less money than it earns by cutting its spending or raising its taxes
John C. Calhoun who was vice-president under both Quincy Adams and Jackson was a strong proponent of the right of states to nullify federal laws.
You would probably be best served to look up a list of prominent Federalists. The Federalists were almost always supporters of the Constitution, and always supporters of "big government" (a strong federal control over the States). Here are a few big names: •Washington (1st President) •Adams (2nd President) •Hamilton (Washington's cabinet)
The Federalists favored a United States with a strong central government. The Whigs [the other side of the debate] favored strong state governments with a weak central government. The US Constitution was a compromise between these two points of view. The question was finally resolved by the Civil War when Lincoln and those who favored a strong central government defeated the Confederate States [who favored strong states/weak central government]
Napoleon Bonaparte.
They favored strong state governments.