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Q: Who allows federal and state governments to share power but ensures federal supremacy when there are conflicts?
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Which statement most accurately describes the relationship between state governments and the federal government?

While the federal government is in charge of some services, the state governments have many powers related to day-to-day life in the states.

What was the supremacy clause?

(“Ensures”) A state law is overruled by a federal law went to conflict. -apex

What says that the federal government is superior over state governments?

supremacy clauseconstitution

What most contributed to the supremacy of the US federal government over state governments?

the Civil War محمد

What constitutional clause is used to determine if a state law conflicts with federal law and is therefore invalid?

supremacy clause

How does the supremacy clause limit state power?

If the state law conflicts with the constitution or federal laws it'll get thrown out.

What does the Supremacy clause of the constitution state about the relationship between the national and state governments?

The Supremacy Clause grants supremacy to the United States Federal Government in any conflict between state and federal law. However, since the Federal Government has a limited mandate, the States still retain a large number of rights.

What powers between the states and federal governments ensures that both will cooperate with each other?


What it the impact of constitutional supremacy on rules of statutory interpretation?

The Supremacy clause dictates that Federal Laws super seed all other laws of the States/local governments. It doesn't specifically effect interpretation of statues by it's nature, other than local governments may not pass laws contrary to federal statutes.

Which statement most accurately describes the relationship between state government s and the federal government?

( Government 5.4.2 Test) The supremacy clause of the Constitution ensures that it overrules state constitutions laws that address the same matters.

What is one way the constitution addresses potential conflicts between federal and state governments?

It reserves, all powers not delegated to the federal government for the states

What does federal supremacy mean?

Federal supremacy establishes that federal law supercedes all state and local law. Federal supremacy establishes that federal law supercedes all state and local law.