Secretary of the Treasury
Timothy Geithner
Secretary of Defense
Robert Gates
Attorney General
Eric Holder
Secretary of the Interior
Ken Salazar
Secretary of Agriculture
Tom Vilsack
Secretary of Commerce
Gary Locke
Secretary of Labor
Hilda Solis
Secretary of Health and Human Services
Kathleen Sebelius
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Shaun Donovan
Secretary of Transportation
Ray LaHood
Members of the federal government have different titles, depending on the job they were elected to do. Some official titles include, the President of the United States, senator, and members of the House of Representatives.
The presidents advisors are called his cabinet. They help him with his decisions.They also head the various federal departments.The executive department heads appointed by the president are known as cabinet members. Usually, they are addressed as "Mr. or Mrs. Secretary" of each specific cabinet department.The president's cabinet consists of the secretaries of the departments which report to the president. His cabinet may give him advice about their area of expertise. Also, he can call on experts that he would like to talk to, and most are delighted to meet with him.The president has a staff who help him carry out his duties and some no doubt help write speeches and give him political advice as do the leaders of his party in Congress. The joint chiefs of staff give him military advice.The president's cabinet is his traditional group of advisers. Modern presidents also have a large White House Staff to help in many ways, including advice. The president's cabinet consists of the secretaries of the departments which report to the president. His cabinet may give him advice about their area of expertise. Also, he can call on experts that he would like to talk to, and most are delighted to meet with him. The president has a staff who help him carry out his duties and some no doubt help write speeches and give him political advice as do the leaders of his party in Congress. The joint chiefs of staff give him military advice.
The Presidents' Cabinet is comprised of the following major offices: Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of Defense and Attorney General. The others are the Secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Interior, Labor, Transportation, and Veterans Affairs.
heads of executive departments such as State
It depends what the article is about
Alexander Hamilton, edmund randolf, jhon jay, and james madison.
agency by lil nalgas
John Adams and George Washington
There are 7 titles in the Presidential Agent series, and they go in chronological order: "By Order of the President," "The Hostage," "The Hunters," "The Shooters," "Black Ops," "The Outlaws," and the most recent addition "Covert Warriors."
Simply just "Senators".
Most of them are cabinet secretaries like Secretary of State, who heads the state department.
Members of the federal government have different titles, depending on the job they were elected to do. Some official titles include, the President of the United States, senator, and members of the House of Representatives.
By the monarch, leters patent, and tradition
President Ministers Senators Members Judges Promoters
Robert Horry.