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George Read Caesar Rodney Thomas McKeanPennsylvania George Clymer Benjamin Franklin Robert Morris John Morton Benjamin Rush George Ross James Smith James Wilson George Taylor Massachusetts John Adams Samuel Adams John Hancock Robert Treat Paine Elbridge Gerry New Hampshire Josiah Bartlett William Whipple Matthew ThorntonRhode Island Stephen Hopkins William ElleryNew York Lewis Morris Philip Livingston Francis Lewis William Floyd Georgia Button Gwinnett Lyman Hall George Walton Virginia Richard Henry Lee Francis Lightfoot Lee Carter Braxton Benjamin Harrison Thomas Jefferson George Wythe Thomas Nelson, Jr. North Carolina William Hooper John Penn Joseph Hewes South Carolina Edward Rutledge Arthur Middleton Thomas Lynch, Jr. Thomas Heyward, Jr. New Jersey Abraham Clark John Hart Francis Hopkinson Richard Stockton John Witherspoon Connecticut Samuel Huntington Roger Sherman William Williams Oliver Wolcott Maryland Charles Carroll Samuel Chase Thomas Stone William Paca

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15y ago
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15y ago

Probably Thomas Jefferson, though Ben Franklin was a famous founding father.

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16y ago

There were 56 signers, not 5. The website linked below lists their names and gives short biographies.

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14y ago

John Hancock, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson.

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15y ago
  • Thomas Jefferson
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12y ago

thomas jefferson

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Q: Who are the most famous people to sign the declaration of independence?
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Who had the most famous signature on the declaration of independence?

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What document includes the phrases you hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal?

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Whose signature is the most famous on the declaration of independence?

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Who are the most famous people that signed the declaration of independence?

Ben Franklin, John Hancock, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

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The 'Declaration of Independence'Declaration of Independence

Why was Thomas Jefferson the most famous person to sign the Declaration of Independence?

Because he wrote it.

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John Hancock

Who had a famous signature on the Declaration of Independence?

Possibly the most famous signature was that of John Hancock. However, many other famous men that signed the Declaration of Independence included: Benjamin Frankin, John Adams, Sam Adams, Robert Morris, and Thomas Jefferson.

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The Declaration of Independence

Why is the declaration of independence compared to a birth certificate?

Most people consider the signing of the Declaration as the birth of America.

Who was 34 when the Declaration of Independence was signed?

Most of the people born in 1742 would have been 34 when the Declaration of Independence was signed. That would include thousands of people throughout the country.