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Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, John Hancock, John Adams, and more wrote the Declaration of Independence.

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Q: Who wrote the Declaration of Independence and who influenced him the most?
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Who was the main person responsible for drafting the declaration of independence?

No one was solely responsible for the Declaration of independence. It was written by several different men, not based one just one mans opinion. A better Question would be "Who influenced the making of the Declaration of independence the most."

The Declaration of Independence was most clearly influenced by the political philosophy of .?

john Locke

The declaration of independence was most clearly influenced by the political philosophy of who?

John Locke.

Which philosopher most influenced jefferson's writhing in the declaration of independence?

John Locke

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philosophers of the enlightenment

What person did most of the work in the Declaration of Independence?

Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, John Hancock & John Adams

Why was Thomas Jefferson the most famous person to sign the Declaration of Independence?

Because he wrote it.

What city was declaration wrote in?

Most historians agree that it was written in independence hall in Philadelphia.Where_was_the_Declaration_of_Independence_written

The Declaration of Independence was most clearly influenced by the political philosophy of?

The Americans who wanted to break free of the British Crown. Your question doesn't make much sense, though.

Who was the most important person to sign the declaration of independence?

Thomas Jefferson because he signed it and wrote it.

Who wrote most of the declaration of independence and Virginia's 1786 statute of religious liberty?

Thomas Jefferson