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the people of the government is everyone.

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Q: Who are the people of government?
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Why can it be argued that a government is an employee of the people?

because the people choose the government and the government is to protect the people

Why can it argued that the government is an employee of the people?

because the people choose the government and the government is to protect the people

Why can it be argued that a government is an employee of people?

because the people choose the government and the government is to protect the people

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Thomas E. Cronin has written: 'Government By the People, National Version (22nd Edition) (Government by the People)' 'Government by the People' 'Government By The People, National, State, and Local' 'Government By the People, Basic Version (22nd Edition) (Government by the People)' 'Government by the People/National Version/1989' 'Government by the People Custom Version (22nd Edition) (Government by the People)' 'Government by the People, California Brief (7th Edition) (Government by the People)' 'Government by the People, National, State, and Local Version, 20th Edition' 'Government by the People, Basic Version' 'Government By The People, Texas Edition (22nd Edition) (Government by the People)' 'The Presidential advisory system' -- subject(s): Politics and government, Presidents, Staff, Addresses, essays, lectures 'Leadership matters' -- subject(s): Leadership, Political leadership 'On the presidency' -- subject(s): History, Public opinion, Presidents, Election, Political leadership, Presidential candidates 'State and Local Politics' 'Government by the People, Teaching and Learning, Classroom Edition' 'Government by the People, Texas Version' 'Government by the People, National Version' 'Government by the People, Brief (7th Edition) (Government by the People)' 'Government by the People, Basic Version, 20th Edition' 'Government by the People, California Edition (22nd Edition) (Government by the People)'

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the people of Belize chooses the government

What kind of government did God want for his people?

A government of the people by the people for the people.

People should not fear the government government should fear the people?

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Philippine government is a government of the people by the people and for the people?

Dahlia Elliot!

What kind of government is of the people by the people for the people?

Democratic government.

Government for the people by the people describes a system of government in which people are?


What form of government is organized by the people for the benefit of the people?

A democracy is a form of government where the people choose their leaders through voting. It is a government of the people, by the people and for the people.

What is politically stability?

Abraham Lincoln describe democracy as a government for the people from the people and to the people it can be related to the control of the government about the society