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Q: Who cares deeply about George Washington?
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What does she mean when she says she cares deeply for you?

When she says she deeply cares about you that means that she likes you a lot but is not ready to say "I love you" yet. : - )

Was George Washington a a mason?

Yes he was very deeply into the masons. Check out this link >

Who Princess Diana cares deeply about?

her sons

Who does Oprah Winfrey care deeply about?

she deeply cares about money i think or inspiring people? Hi!

Who or what does Nicki Minaj deeply cares about?

Nicki Minaj, deeply cares about girls who are going through a tough life, or just any girl really, as she says in her songs "im fighting for the girls who never thought that they could win". Also, she deeply cares about her grandmother who died..And her cousin Nicholas who was murdered.

What did George Washington do doing his life?

George Washington was born in February 22, 1732 and die in December 14, 1799. George Washington became known as "The Father of Our Country". He was call The Father of Our Country" because he crated earliest days. He is an important person in the history of the United States.

Commanded the Continental Army?

George Washington

Is there an animal that cares for the environment deeply?

i am sure they all do. i mean it is their home right?

What are some of the characteristics of Mr Frederick in animal farm?

he cares deeply for his animals

What happened after George Washington left office?

sorry there is no answerAfter he convention, he was elected the First President.

Are there any pictures of George Washington showing his teeth?

NO because he had fake teeth and was deeply ashamed of it so he never opens his mouth in any known picture.

Who is the father of our country''?

George Washington