There was no single such invasion- the 'Anglo-Saxons' were a race of people who developed into what later became known as the English, over a gradual period of hundreds of years following the withdrawal of Roman occupation in the 4th Century. They grew from successive waves of invasions of England followed intermittently over the following 600 years or so, by Vikings, Danes and Germans (the Germans mostly came from Saxony, which is where the term 'Saxon' comes from).
Sometimes they came as warrior squadrons to attack the native Romano-British and Celts, at other times they came in peace to trade and make strategic alliances with some of the English tribes.
Eventually, this huge melting-pot of Danish, Scandinavian, German, Romano-British and even Celtic peoples became assimilated into what became the Anglo-Saxon race, through inter-marriage. At first, Anglo-Saxon England was divided into a series of seperate kingdoms ruled by different monarchs, who were often at war with each other- sometimes, one or more of these kingdoms formed alliances against other ones, and were able to get limited support from the Welsh or Scots. England was finally united into one single nation by King Alfred the Great in the 9th Century, who established the Saxon monarchy that ruled over the whole nation until being overthrown by the Norman invasion of 1066.
About 6000 Anglo-Saxons came to Britain over a period of at least 40 years. At no moment the amount of native Germans exceeded 3000 men. These professional soldiers did not 'invade'. They were hired to be bodyguards and to train a local militia called the Fyrd. See:
Because the Saxons had mistreated the Franks, and because he wanted Christianity to become the dominant religion.
Yes, I dont know specifics but they were going to invade from cuba and land in Texas and Louisiana. A great point to invade, Texas being the most well armed state.
1552 12th of January
11th and 12th
denmark,netherlands and britain
By boat, across the English channel.
the 13th, 15th, 20th, 21st
the Anglo Saxons enter the Britain timeline in the down fall of rome (470 - 476 AD).
William very nearly lost England on several occasions. I doubt he would have agreed it was easy.
700/600 BC The Celts invade. 43BC Emperor Claduis invades (Romans) 450 The Anglo-Saxons invade 410 The Romans leave 793 The Vikings invade. 1066 The Normans invade 1688 By the Dutch So Britain has been invaded 6 times.
No, it didn't. The Romans were already there and initially fended off the Anglo-Saxons. In the fifth century, the Romans left Britain, so the next time the Anglo-Saxons attempted to invade Britain, they succeeded.
The word England comes from "Anglo-land", the Angles being one of the Germanic tribes to invade the island along with the Saxons and Jutes.