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The Democrat-Republican Party was founded by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and contemporaries approximately in 1792. It was reformulated after the War of 1812 as the modern Democratic Party by Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren after the party split over who would succeed President Monroe.

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Q: Who founded the Democratic Party and in what year was it founded?
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When was the democratic party founded?

The Texas Democratic Party was founded in the year 1846. It is headquartered in the city of Austin, Texas and the Senate leader is Kirk Watson.

When was the Texas Democratic Party founded?

The Texas Democratic Party was founded in the year 1846. It is headquartered in the city of Austin, Texas and the Senate leader is Kirk Watson.

Who founded the Democratic Party and why?

Andrew Jackson founded the Democratic Party to rival the National Republican Party

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Who started the Democratic Party? Who started the Democratic Party?

What party was founded by the founding fathers?

The Democratic-Republican party

What are differences between the federalist party and the democratic republican party?

Federalist==founded in1792====dissolved in 1820==Democratic- Republican==founded in 1792====dissolved in 1868==

When did Thomas Jefferson found the Democratic Party?

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison founded the Democratic-Republican party, the forerunner to the modern Democratic party, in 1791.

When was the first Democratic Party formed?

Founded in 1828

Who were the democratic?

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were the democratic-republicans who founded the party in 1790.

What party has more blacks?

The majority of African American voters support the Democratic Party over the Republican Party. The modern Democratic Party was founded in 1828.

Was it a rich or poor person founded the Democratic Party?

The Democratic Party traces its origins to the Democratic-Republican Party, founded by Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and other influential opponents of the Federalists in 1792. Although both died in debt, neither could be called poor. So to answer your question, the Democratic-Republican party was founded by men of not insubstantial means, albeit not neccessarily "rich."

Who founded the American democratic-Republican Party?

thomas jefferson