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President or Supreme Court can find it unconstitutional.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 6y ago

The president of the US can veto laws he doesn't like, but congress can override him with enough votes.

The U.S. Supreme Court can nullify a law by declaring it unconstitutional.

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βˆ™ 10y ago


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Q: Who has the ability to veto unsatisfactory bills from congress?
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The ability to veto bills sent to him for signature into law.

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The veto power of the president of the Philippines is the ability to reject bills passed by Congress. The president can also veto specific items in appropriation, revenue, or tariff bills.

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The president can veto bills.

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Only the President has the power to veto federal bills. He vetoes a bill by sending it back to Congress with his objections.

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Yes, he can veto laws passed in Congress, but then Congress can vote again, and if they get a sufficient number of votes, can override the president's veto.

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He or she can veto bills passed by congress

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He or she can veto bills passed by congress

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The president can veto bills that are proposed to him, address Congress formally, and appoint justices to the USSC that are favorable to his political views and can use judicial review over Congress.