The Vice President.
In the absence of the Vice President then the Speaker of the House would next in line for the presidential line of succession. Then it would go to president pro tempore of the senate and then secretary of state.
The President pro tempore (Latin for "president for a time") typically presides in the Vice President's absence. The most senior senator of the majority party is customarily chosen to serve in this position. Like the Vice President, the President pro tempore does not normally preside over the Senate, but typically delegates the responsibility of presiding to junior senators of the majority party.
The President pro tempore is the second highest ranking official of the United States Senate . He is a senator who is elected to his position by the Senate.In actual practice it is not unusual for the vice-president and pro temp to both be absent. In that case another senator or, I think, one of the staff serves as time-keeper and keeps track of who has the floor.
The President Pro-Tem presides over the Senate when the Vice-President is not there. The Vice-President barely attends Senate meetings anymore.
president pro tempore
there is no vice president of the senate. The vice president of the united states presides over the senate as the president of the senate ex officio. The highest ranking senator serves as the president pro tempore (sometimes referred to as tem) and presides in the absence of the president ex officio / vice president
The vice president is the president of the Senate and has the tie-breaking vote, so when the vice president is not there, the Senate is typically presided over by the president pro tempore. The president pro tempore is a senator from the majority party and is elected by the Senate to serve as its presiding officer in the absence of the vice president.
The President pro tempore of the Senate presides over the Senate in the absence of the Vice President. This position is usually held by the most senior member of the majority party in the Senate. The President pro tempore has the authority to lead the Senate and perform duties such as recognizing members to speak, making parliamentary rulings, and directing the legislative process.
The president Pro-Tempore is the presiding officer in the senate. That individual is in charge of the Senate agenda in the absence of the vice president.
The Vice President.
The President Pro Tempore presides over the Senate in the absence of the Vice President
In the absence of the Vice President then the Speaker of the House would next in line for the presidential line of succession. Then it would go to president pro tempore of the senate and then secretary of state.
The Vice President of the United States is the presiding officer in the Senate. It is only in the absence of the Vice President that the president pro tempore is empowered to preside.
The Vice-President is the President of the Senate.The President pro tempore (President pro tem), who chairs the Senate during the absence of the Vice President, is an elected position within the Senate, and is normally the US senator with the most seniority within the majority party.