1. Vice President of the United States
2. Speaker of the House
3. President pro Tempore of the Senate
4. Secretary of State
5. Secretary of the Treasury
6. Secretary of Defense
7. Attorney General
8. Secretary of the Interior
9. Secretary of Agriculture
10. Secretary of Commerce
11. Secretary of Labor
12. Secretary of Health & Human Services
13. Secretary of Housing & Urban Development
14. Secretary of Transportation
15. Secretary of Energy
16. Secretary of Education
17. Secretary of Veterans' Affairs
18. Secretary of Homeland Security
The vice president is second in command of the nation, he only answers to the president. YM Why is the vice president rank? YMMV
The Vice President
vice president
In accordance with the 25th Amendment of the U. S. Constituion, the new president nominates someone to be the next vice president, and he or she becomes the next vice president after a confirmation of a majority of both house of congress.
The vice-president. The executive Branch consists of the president, vice-president, the cabinet and the u.s. Military.
Speaker of the house
Vice President The title of the second-in-command is deputy or vice-
Vice President The title of the second-in-command is deputy or vice-
Vice President The title of the second-in-command is deputy or vice-
The vice president is second in command of the nation, he only answers to the president. YM Why is the vice president rank? YMMV
vice president
The Vice President
The vice-president becomes President if the President becomes incapacitated. However, the Veep does not have any presidential powers. No one is officially second in command to the President. Sometimes various members of the White House staff make decisions for the president with or without his permission.
Is a step above a vice president. Is next in charge to the president.
Vice President is one example
Vice President is one example
vice president