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Thomas Nast. He also brought down Boss Tweed by illustrating his scams so the nonenglish speaking immigrants could get the picture.

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Q: Who is the 19th century cartoonist that made the donkey and the elephant a part of the American political cartoon?
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Why is the Republican sign an elephant?

The Republican sign is an elephant due to a political cartoonist. Cartoonist Thomas Nast drew a cartoon in Harper's Weekly, the cartoon he drew an elephant and called it the republican vote. Since them the elephant was associated with republicans.

How did the Republican Party get its logo?

The Republican Party's famous logo, the elephant, has its origins in a political cartoon from the 1870s. Cartoonist Thomas Nast depicted Republicans as strong and resilient elephants, and over time, the symbol stuck. The party embraced the elephant as its official logo, representing their values of strength and perseverance.

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to tell you what your going to be reading about next

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This comes from a 1860 political cartoon.

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The cast of Political Cartoon Convention - 2002 includes: Ted Rall as himself Scott Stantis as Himself - Cartoonist

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An editorial cartoon, also known as a political cartoon, is an illustration containing a commentary that usually relates to current events or personalities. An artist who draws such images is known as an editorial cartoonist.

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Political leaders are often parodied or satirized by a political cartoonist such as Oliphant , Sargent and Darkow .

When the political cartoonist goes overboard in drawing the physical characteristics of a person or thing this is called what?

A caricature is an exaggeration of the physical characteristics of the subject of a political cartoon.

When the political cartoonist goes overboard in drawing the physical characteristics of a person or thing is called?

A caricature is an exaggeration of the physical characteristics of the subject of a political cartoon.

When a political cartoonist goes overboard in drawing the physical characteristics of a person or thing this is called?

A caricature is an exaggeration of the physical characteristics of the subject of a political cartoon.