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Ms Chea Leang

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Who was the US Supreme Court justice who served as the US Prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials?

Robert H. Jackson, who served as an Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court, also acted as the Chief United States Prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials after World War II.

Can you please define the 5 pillars of criminal justice system?

law enforcer, prosecutor, supreme court, correctional, community

What is the general policitcal viewpoint of the us supreme court?

The viewpoint of the U.S. Supreme Court is somewhat to the right of Vlad the Impaler.

Who was the US Supreme Court justice who oversaw the Nazi trials?

US Supreme Court justice Robert Jackson didn't oversee the trial, but was the Chief US Prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials, which began in November 1945 and concluded in October 1946.

Who expanded the powers of the supreme court?

Fourth Chief Justice John Marshall is credited with expanding the power of the Supreme Court, and of the Judicial Branch in general.

Who expanded the power of the Supreme Court?

Fourth Chief Justice John Marshall is credited with expanding the power of the Supreme Court, and of the Judicial Branch in general.

Is court capitalized in a sentence?

Court should be capitalized when it is referring to a specific court, such as the Supreme Court or the District Court. If court is used in a general sense, it does not need to be capitalized.

What is the proper name of the Canadian Supreme Court?

According to section 3 of the Supreme Court Act (Canada) the proper name is "Supreme Court of Canada." Section 101 of the Constitution Act 1867 authorized the creation of "a General Court of Appeal for Canada."

Is the Attorney General in the US Supreme Court?

No. The U.S. Attorney General is head of the Department of Justice and the top law enforcement officer for the United States, but does not typically argue before the Supreme Court, except under special circumstances. The current Attorney General is Eric Holder. The U.S. Solicitor General (and staff attorneys), who is also a member of the Department of Justice, represents the government before the Supreme Court. The Solicitor General, while not a true member of the Court, is sometimes called "the tenth Justice."

Who normally replaces the Governor General in his or her absence?

The cheif justice of the supreme court

What are the duties of the us solicitor general?

The duties of the solicitor general are to represent the US in the supreme court and act like a tenth justice in the court.

How was the US Supreme Court perceived before John Marshall's tenure as Chief Justice?

The Judicial Branch in general, and the US Supreme Court, in particular, were perceived as weak.