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Bachendri Pal Is the first women to climb mount Everest. She was born in 1954. And she was an Indian

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Q: Who is the first Indian women reached mount Everest?
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Who was the first Indian man and woman who reached summit Mt Everest?

The first Indian man and woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest was A.S Cheema in 1965 and Bachendri Pal in 1984.

Who are the first Indian who climbed mount Everest?

The first five Indians to climb Mount Everest were: A.S Cheema Sonam Gyatso Sonam Wangyal C.P Vohra Hari Ahluwalia They reached the summit in 1965

Who was the first Indian who climbed Mount Everest twice?

The first Indian woman to have climbed Mount Everest twice was Santosh Yadav. She did so in 1992 and 1993.

What year was Mount Everest conquered?

The summit of Mount Everest was first reached on the 29th May 1953

Which was the first Indian to climb Mount Everest?

The first Indian to reach the summit of Mount Everest was A.S Cheema on the 20th May 1965

Who is the first indian to climb the mount everest twice?

The first woman to have climbed Mount Everest twice was Santosh Yadav from India. She did so in 1992 and 1993. There are only a small number of woman who have reached the top two times.

First Indian woman on Mount Everest twice?

The first woman to have climbed Mount Everest twice was Santosh Yadav from India. She did so in 1992 and 1993. There are only a small number of woman who have reached the top two times.

Who is the first Indian to mount Everest?

A.S Cheema was the first Indian climber to reach the summit of Mount Everest, he did so on the 20th May 1965.

When was Everest conqered?

The summit of Mount Everest was first reached on the 29th May 1953.

Who is first Indian who climb mount Everest?

A.S Cheema was the first Indian climber to reach the summit of Mount Everest, he did so on the 20th May 1965

Who was the first Indian women who climb mount Everest in may 1984?

Bachendri Pal was the first Indian woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest in 1984.

Who was the first Indian to scale mount Everest?

A.S Cheema was the first Indian climber to reach the summit of Mount Everest, he did so on the 20th May 1965.