To have a chairmanship is to have status within any organization.
Political action committee
Normally in an organization, a nominating committee serves as a committee until it presents its nominations at the meeting when the election is held. If it was appointed to present a candidate for a job, it serves until the job is filled. At that point it dissolves.
A famous socialist and founder of the industrial workers of the world
A conference committee
John L. Lewis is credited as the founder of the Committee for Industrial Organization, which later became the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). Lewis was a prominent labor leader and played a significant role in organizing industrial workers in the United States.
John L Lewis
All skilled & unskilled workers in the automobile industry
Committee for Industrial Organization (CIO)
Committee for Industrial Organization
J. Raymond Walsh has written: 'C.I.O. industrial unionism in action' -- subject(s): Committee for Industrial Organization, Labour and labouring classes
The CIO sought to restructure labor unionism on an industrial rather than craft basis: unions should be organized according to the industry people worked in, not the type of job they did in it.
NelJems is the founder of the NelJems Committee
The founder of Locks of Love is not a single person, but an organization. The organization was a wig making corporation. The person in charge of the organization was Madonna Coffman.
Frank Hearn has written: 'Domination, legitimation, and resistance' -- subject(s): Industrial sociology, Working class, History 'The transformation of industrial organization' -- subject(s): Industrial organization 'The transformation of industrial organization' -- subject(s): Industrial organization
The Committee on Permanent Organization
Malcolm X Was Founder Of The (OAAU). Organization of Afro-American Unity.